Learn to Talk to Your Partner
Do you spew or talk? There is a difference. A big difference. And, it will make a telltale difference in your relationship. A spewer

Are You Building Walls or Setting Boundaries in Your Relationship?
Do you know the difference between a wall and a boundary? Walls are solid and rigid. They keep others out and keep you trapped inside.

Commitment to What?
When it comes to commitment, there are two types: One can commit to the frame. I will not abandon my spouse, my child, my job,

Is Conflict a Good Thing in a Relationship?
“We never fight,” she says with a prideful gloat in her voice. She glances at her husband as if I should be giving them a

The Mighty Time Out
“It’s not just for kids!” A time out is an emergency break, a rip stop, a circuit breaker that protects your relationship from injury. You

The Four Corners of the Relationship Grid
I am grateful to my mentor, Terry Real, for providing the frame of the information I am about to share with you. I have taken