The Layers of Progressive Emotional Communication
We are infinite onions, ready to be peeled, known, and understood. Layer #1: Cocktail Party Conversation. “Hi! How are you?” “Good. And you?” “Good.” “Great.

Emotional Regulation
One of the three necessities for a healthy relationship is emotional regulation. When one is being triggered into an escalated state of fight, flight, freeze or

The Sick Bus
One of the many reasons I love doing couples therapy is that I get to meet many “therapy virgins.” Folks that have never darkened the

Me Too!
“Me too!” my curly-haired daughter and I yelled in unison while reading the silly cardboard book we picked up at the elementary school book sale.

Extending Beyond Okay
“You doing okay?” How many times do we hear that? How many times do we ask that? The only time that question is appropriate is

Find the Time
“When you coming home, Dad? I don’t know when. But we’ll get together then, Dad. I know we’ll have a good time then.” – Cat’s